**2012 Photographer of the Year: National Winner (chosen from over 60 cities in the USA).**
**2012 Photographer of the Year: Raleigh, NC**
Awarded by RawArtists :: the largest indie arts organization in the world.
Growing up in the southern tip of the Shenandoah valley, Eric has had a lifelong affinity for the colorful and oftentimes “surreal” culture that is ‘The South’. A history major in another life, Eric’s love of the ‘southern gothic’ from a historical perspective helps guide his unique style that adorn the walls of his gallery. However, the one factor that is mostly responsible for the unique concepts within his imagery lies elsewhere... the majority of his works are based upon his darker and more intense dreams. As Eric states, “there is nothing more terrifying than one’s own dreams. It is our own inner psyche that can truly frighten the hell out of us more than anything else in this world. To visually manifest those moments of ‘subconscious frames’ into a piece of work that I produce in a conscious state, is not only very challenging but even somewhat illuminating about who I am”.
Eric’s work has been used in the following media: Rolling Stone, The Late Show with David Letterman, The Conjuring (Annabelle Comes Home), The Morning Show on Apple TV (Jennifer Aniston/Steve Carell), over 60 separate book covers, 5 DVD covers for the Discovery Channel’s “A Haunting” series, The Bio Channel's "Celebrity Ghost Stories", The History Channel’s “The Universe”, nationally and internationally syndicated tv commercials, local tv commercials, local news, numerous magazine covers and internal content, various spots on CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, & MSNBC.
His work has afforded him the privilege of traveling to locations such as London, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo - Brazil, Istanbul - Turkey, Canada, and various states throughout the USA. He also has multiple articles written about him in major Brazilian Photography periodicals as well as numerous domestic periodicals.
Eric was also the personal & documentary photographer to the nationally known band Delta Rae.